Assignment #7

  • How have you used technology to contribute to some domain of knowledge
    1. Before this class, I only used technology to write papers, email or simply listen to music. However in this class I’ve learned a great deal about websites, blogging and how there is a range free Google software. But now as a future theatre teacher, I believe I have and will contribute students as well as my own knowledge. For example, with Google Reader I learned how to obtain more knowledge in a more organized manner as well as share my new found knowledge with others.
  • How have you used technology to collaborate with classmates?

1. By sharing and following blogs, I’ve gained ideas and knowledge from my blog group and have shared my own. Also while in class I’ve been able to help fellow classmates with problems in assignments and I’ve been helped by them as well. In another way as a class we’ve collaborated on Google Wave or Google Docs, for example. These programs have helped me collaborate with classmates from other classes as well on group projects. It is easier and more efficient than constantly emailing each other. Technology such as this makes group projects more organized and easier on all especially since we are busy students with hardly a minute to spare. But we are able to work with asynchronous programs at our own leisure.

  • How might you use technology in your classroom?
    1. If computers are accessible, I plan on using technology in my classroom. I believe a class website is a great way for me as a teacher to communicate to the students in “their language of technology” the assignments, objectives and projects of the class. I most likely won’t use everything we learned in class, however my mind was opened up to the possibilities there are to share information with technology. The classrooms have gone past hand-written paperwork to computers and the internet and it would be best for me to use it in my own classroom.
  • What did you learn in this class?
    1. Honestly the main thing I learned in this class is simply that technology is not a scary thing, it’s helpful and accessible. I was too scared or rather even lazy to use technology before, but now I see how the internet, especially Google can help ease my life, make it more organized and help me as a future teacher. I also learned how to blog, create a website, use the free Google programs, however as I leave this class I now have an open mind to technology.
  • What will you use that you have learned in this class?
    1. As a teacher I plan on creating a website and possibly using Google Wave if we need to work synchronously also I will be creating many instructional videos and having the students create their own videos. For personal use, I want to keep track of my favorite sites with Google Reader, design with Google Sketch Up, create fun videos and possibly even create a blog, if I’m willing to share my secrets.

Set Design Project #3

Student Assignment: Design your own set by using Google SketchUp

Objective: By using Google SketchUp, students will be able to design an accurate set for the play of their choice.

1. Choose one of the plays that we have read this year and draw a basic outline of your set design.
2. Use Google SketchUp and recreate a 3D model of your design.
3. The set must be more complex than a couple simple platforms, it must reflect what the play needs for a set.
4. Color and design set by using the painting options in the software.
5. If you need help, use GoogleSketchUp Help first and then come to me if you were not able to figure out the problem

The set will be graded on:
Creativity (10pts)--recreating the drawn set to the 3D model
Realism (10pts) --Is the set realistic and can be recreated on a real stage?
Spacing(10 pts) --Is it spaced properly for a stage, remember to not overcrowd nor minimal.
Overall Concept (20pts)--Does it work for the chosen play? Why did you design it this way?

Night of January 16th: "

3D model by nicoandrea
Set design for the play

I had a fun time figuring out Google SketchUp, in fact its a program I've always wanted to learn and now I had the excuse. For me the assignment seems realistic for a theatre classroom, granted if computers are available. Students, as well as teachers are able to learn a new software and learn how to design a set. It can be a difficult assignment with the technology, but if students are willing to try, they will learn a skill that can help them in other aspects of life. GoogleSketchUp isn't just for theatre set designs, but it can be used for architecture, landscaping, interior design, etc. Overall, I believe I've found a program I will use in my future classrooms as a theatre teacher, as well as in my own set designs.

Here it is!! Magic of Music! It is an instructional video that pertains to the importance of music to express emotions and scenes in movies and theatre.
Well after discussing the 3rd project in class, I was intrigued by the Google SketchUp program that provides a great way to enhance my designing skills. After looking into the program a little farther, I realized it could be a great program for a theatre classroom. If I ever did a set designing unit, we could easily use Google SketchUp as a tool to enhance the designing process. I am still not a pro at the program, however it is a great visual for students as well as me to visually see the designs and ideas of a set for a play. However the disadvantage to this program is that it could be slightly difficult for all the students to understand and also for all to have access to the program outside of the school. Plus, it would have to be downloaded to the school's computers, if used within the classrooms. But this world is changing everyday and technology is more and more important in classrooms; by using programs such as this one will give a more professional outlook and skills for each student.

Another program I found is Control Booth which is a free theatre software for lighting plots. It is more advanced and possibly could not be used in a high school classroom, however would be useful for them to see the technology that is involved in designing for a show. Also I have found various sound programs such as MixAction that helps design sound cues for shows as well.

For the 3rd project, I've decided to use SketchUp because it is easier and more accessible and my plans of now is to use it for a set designing project, which I will hopefully use in my future classroom.
I've always enjoyed video chat. In fact its a great way for me to communicate with my family and friends at home as well as the members and converts from my mission in Spain. The only hard thing is that technology can cut out easily with internet. As for classroom use, I'm not so sure if I would use it as a teacher. It can be distracting, not being there physically in the classroom. However I am willing to try it out if needs be!

Who is Andrea Nicoll?

Here is my introduction video!

Response to PLN

    About Me

    I am inspiring to be a theatre teacher in secondary education. Currently I am enrolled in a class that is teaching me to blog and use all those computer/internet programs that I usually avoid. So far it seems to be fun!
