The Joys of Blogs and RSS Feeds

I honestly have never done a blog before, and so its a new world for me. I've always been the hands on, visual learner, but when it comes to computers I can email, write papers and maybe find a few good things online, oh and listen to music. These blogs and RSS Feeds have opened my eyes to another world within this technological world. Blogs provide a way to share with friends and family updates in life and more professionally it can provide students with opportunities to discover in a more personal and easier way. The world can be found on the computer, or in other words the world seems to be all computerized. If as teachers we can apply the computer to our lessons in one way or form, their technological minds can be more invigorated and curious to learn.

While searching for RSS feeds I didn't have luck but once I typed in the right keyword in google I was opened to a rather large selection of theatre blogs. A few I found quite interesting:
This is written by a drama teacher of over 30 years. She provides resources and ideas for the theatre classroom.
Theatre links seems to be connected to most of the other blogs I have found. There are forums, ideas, experiences all for teachers, students and professionals.
At first the RSS feed seemed to be an even more complicated tool on the Internet but after searching and finding interesting blogs and websites I now see how useful and organized Google Reader is. In a classroom I could post a class blog with feeds in Google Reader and each student can follow up, find new ideas, and be more involved outside of the classroom. If we are working on a specific play and I want the students to help in the designing process, by finding feeds and blogs, together we can find ideas and resources and create a masterpiece.

It's all still new for me and will take a while to get used to, but I know I could use it for my benefit in my personal, current education as well as the education of my future students.
2 Responses
  1. Ben McMurry Says:

    Your Blog looks great! good Job!

  2. erikab Says:

    I really love the background. It is definitely creative! Which is what you have to be as a theatre teacher! Congrats! Also, a blog is such a great tool to let parents and other teachers see what we are doing in class. Just a way to share we we've learned with all the other learners out there.

    About Me

    I am inspiring to be a theatre teacher in secondary education. Currently I am enrolled in a class that is teaching me to blog and use all those computer/internet programs that I usually avoid. So far it seems to be fun!
