While I was in high school, we mainly used textbooks. Computers were left for writing papers and doing homework. I don't believe a single teacher in my high school ever thought about using a class website to help further along the learning process. After creating my own website for a theatre class, I see how helpful it could be. Rather than spending time printing off paper, I could put quizzes, a calender and homework on the website. The only problem I see is if a student doesn't have a computer available, they wouldn't be able to use the website for their benefit. Having the class website for the IP&T class helps me every week to know what is due, and what projects I need to complete. It is easier and there are no papers to use. High school students are notorious for losing class handouts and schedules, and this problem is easily resolved with a class website.

I would use the website for take home quizzes and homework. Also I would provide any important lessons shared in class so the students would have the information handy. Plus students could turn in their papers and work through an online file cabinet, saving paper...and trees! Plus for theatre I could use the website for information about play practices, ideas, videos, music and playwrighting. The world is technological and I can use it for my advantage.
1 Response
  1. Emily P Says:

    YAY! I love saving trees! And I agree with all of your thoughts! I never thought about how easy the lives of teachers are with technology helping them out.

    About Me

    I am inspiring to be a theatre teacher in secondary education. Currently I am enrolled in a class that is teaching me to blog and use all those computer/internet programs that I usually avoid. So far it seems to be fun!
